Educational Webinars: The Mission of RAGCED is to be a source of knowledge and
expertise that helps Rotarians plan, implement, and manage impactful and sustainable economic development projects that create lasting change in underserved communities. On August 24 th we launched our first webinar. The next webinar will be in January 2023. We have scheduled webinars for the fourth Wednesday each month. The first one of the new year will take place on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 5PM GST where there will be a Panel Discussion of experienced fund development experts; the topic is “How to Fund Community Economic Development Projects.” Please visit our website www.ragced.org to find out how to view our past webinars and register for upcoming webinars.
Establishing RAGCED Chapters throughout the world: The primary purpose of
RAGCED Chapters is to build a strong team of RAGCED members to support community economic development, with the planning, implementation, and evaluation of projects based on the experience of the team members and needs of the Rotarians in the Chapter. Rotary Clubs, Districts, and Rotaract Clubs are encouraged to establish Chapters. These Chapters will play a critical role in extending RAGCED Support and engaging Rotarians in projects that impact their community economies. For more information, please visit our website www.ragced.org.
Updated RAGCED Website: www.ragced.org has been updated! With this new system, navigating member resources will be simpler. The Member Dashboard provides access to the most important information, including links to Facebook and past Newsletters. The Member Directory provides contact information to facilitate communication. Visit our new website and explore! If you are a Member, Login and reset your password to gain access: Visit https://admin.membernova.com/305568/Password.Recovery. If you are not a Member, please consider joining or renewing your Membership.
The Rotary Action Group for Community Economic Development is a source of knowledge and expertise that you will find useful as you plan and implement projects in your community.
As 2022 comes to a close, the Board of RAGCED wishes you a joyous holiday season with peace and cheer in the New Year!